Real Estate Classes

Real Estate Instructor & Course Writer for Hire 


~ Upcoming Courses In Date Order ~

Below is an Overview of the Continuing Education Courses Offered, with Links to Course Details: 

Land Navigation - Introduction to Vacant Land Sales, Investments & Income Opportunities:

Are You Grandfathered In? A Guide to Zoning, Non-Conforming Use and More:

Through the Looking Glass - Guide to Future Land Use:

Art In Commercial Real Estate - Its Impact On The Community:

A User's Guide To Zoning (An Award-Winning Class):

Planning & Zoning Resource: Advocating For Your Community's Future:

 Florida CE Approved Classes

Military Relocation Professional:

Florida Military Specialist:

Florida Military Expert:

Home Loan Basics to Help Veterans:

Florida CE Approved Classes

Accredited Buyer's Representative:

At Home With Diversity:

So You Want To Be A Real Estate Instructor:

The Solar Home Can of Worms: 

Business Etiquette - For Real Estate Professionals:

Florida CE Approved Classes

What Previous Students Have to Say:
